I've been going to the doctor twice a week now for about a month. At every appointment they weigh me (to make sure I'm not retaining a lot of water), go over my blood pressures that I've recorded at home and take my blood pressure while I'm at the clinic (blood pressures at home have been slowly creeping up, higher and higher, and they're always higher at the doctor's office: white coat syndrome) and do a non-stress test (where they hook you to the monitor and track the baby's heartbeat and movements, and whether or not you're having contractions). Two weeks ago, I had a bad weekend of high blood pressure readings, so on Monday I went in to the doctor and he put me on full bed rest at that point. This past Friday, I went back, and since my home blood pressure readings had stayed high, he put me in the hospital. Which is where I am right now, as we speak. And is where I will remain until the baby comes. Needless to say, this was a lot to take in on Friday - we were sent straight from the clinic to the hospital, no passing go, no collecting two hundred dollars. And then they checked us in to Labor & Delivery and put me in a delivery room, like where I'll be when the baby comes, and they were making noises like he might induce me on Friday. Luckily, he did not go that route, and I got moved to the more comfortable Women & Children's ward, into a room like the one I was in the first time around. As of right now, the blood pressures are high but are acceptable, my protein levels are wwwaaayyy up, but the baby is moving good and looks great on the monitor, so we are striving to get through this week so I'm at 36 weeks, and then Dr. Lefler wants to induce next week, with the baby's projected birthdate to be Wednesday, April 6, 2011. Exciting and scary all at once! Also, I haven't got the camera up here with me, so there are no pictures for this post, but I'm going to get Alan to bring the camera to me and hopefully post some pictures over the next few days. In the meantime:
Pregnancy Update
How far along? 35 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain: Unknown, but I'm pretty sure it's around 20 to 25 pounds. I'm on a low sodium diet at the hospital, so I predict I will probably lose a little bit of weight over these last 10 days.
Maternity clothes? I actually miss wearing real clothes (well, real maternity clothes); I'm in lounge pants and t-shirts nowadays, and they aren't maternity.
Sleep: Must sleep on my side; I get a sleeping pill every night now, so that's helpful, because it's hard to sleep in a strange place, let alone a hospital.
Best moment this week: Hmmmmm ... I guess the best thing is knowing the date (barring any unforeseen circumstances) for delivery and knowing that we are in the best place we can be right now, with trained professionals watching over us.
Movement: Good movement - Dr. Lefler is always pleased with the results from the non-stress test.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting more shallow ... however, I don't think it's going to pop out.
Cravings: None to speak of, maybe peanut butter. I don't eat a whole lot right now, honestly, except at the designated meal times ... just don't have that hearty of an appetite.
Symptoms: High blood pressure, obviously. Maybe a little swelling in my feet and a little in my face.
What I miss: Being at home, the spoiled labradors, the Bad Cat, Alan (he stays with me as much as he can, but he has to take care of our house and the spoiled labradors and the Bad Cat, and take care of the mundane aspects of everyday life, and go to work, so I'm on my own a lot, especially (and obviously) during the day), doing anything besides laying around.Weekly Wisdom: Doctors know best.
Milestones: We picked a name (drumroll please): Jones Tanner Ward. Tell me you love it :o).
Hopefully, tomorrow, I can add some pictures for your enjoyment (I have another 4-D ultrasound pic that I can post, and I think I have some of the spoiled labradors the Bad Cat that you might enjoy).