Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tiger is 2 Months Old, or, What's Going on With Tiger in December!

The second month flew by as quickly as the first!  Still in the newborn phase, but with longer periods of wakefulness, and more personality starting to peek through.  The word I would use to describe Tiger at this point is sweet.  And  I know, I know, all babies are "sweet" but y'all, truly, he has the sweetest disposition of any baby I've been around.  He just loves to be held, and talked to, and sung to, and he just likes to watch the world go by.  He is such an easy, happy baby, we are so fortunate.

At two months, Tiger:
  • Weighs just under 12 pounds and is 23 inches long, wearing 0-3 months clothes, size 1 diapers.
This is what we thought about the shots
  • Got his first shots!  Always heartbreaking, but especially because he was so happy, and was enjoying kicking his legs, smiling at the nurse, just generally being his good-natured little self ... and then she stuck that needle in his legs and he SCREAMED and cried and cried and cried and eventually cried himself to sleep, bless his heart.

  • Is a good sleeper!  He generally eats around 9:00 at night and then doesn't wake up until 3 or 4 for his next feeding, so we're only getting up once a night, which I think is great at this stage in the game.

  • Started at Noah's Ark, like big brother before him, and is doing well there.  One of the teachers in the Turtle Room where he stays told me, "He is such a blessing.  We are really enjoying him."
  • Eats a 5 ounce bottle
  • Loves watching lights and movement - our Christmas tree has twinkling lights, and he loves to lay in his bouncer and watch them.
  • Loves mirrors
  • Still a big fan of bathtime!

  • Smiles and "talks" to you, especially after he eats
  • Loves singing, and loves to be bounced up and down
  • Loves watching big brother!  Whenever Jones is in the room, he follows his movement continually, and grins at him constantly.

Tiger was crying (because he was ready to eat - he really only cries when he needs something,
like food or a diaper change, or he's sleepy) so Jones said, "I know how to make him stop.  I'll sing to him." 
So he's singing the ABC Song in this picture.  So sweet!
We're having such a good time with the baby phase with Tiger, and enjoying every part of it!